Bottomless Taxonomy of Cooperative Design for Flying Ad Hoc Network

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A framework of a network explains the application of the system. In cooperative framework design, model and architecture is the issued context of dynamic topology. The topology of the network continuously changes when the nodes are moving. There are different topologies and routing protocols that are running frontally and at backsides considered in the paper. We have done deep analysis on various protocols and network architecture of UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicle). Some different characteristics have been taken to explain the unmanned aerial vehicle as example. There are multiple factors and different scenarios that acknowledge the operability of cooperative network. In addition, the paper has been designed in such a way that it defines different aspects of cooperative networks. Collaboration and cooperation are the networking tasks for the multiple groups of nodes that combine and provide a reliable connectivity between the nodes. Flying ad hoc network (FANET) is the same name of unmanned aerial vehicle that are flying with the dynamic environment and can identify the ground node to send information. This is important task for the aerial nodes that are continuously flying in the air and send data collected from particular area. So, every task is important for accomplished task such as coordination and cooperation of all the nodes. This paper overall has focused on deep analysis of the taxonomy for unmanned aerial vehicle in the real environment.




Raj, S., Panchal, V. K., & Chopra, R. (2020). Bottomless Taxonomy of Cooperative Design for Flying Ad Hoc Network. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 9(4), 578–583.

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