In earlier times, vehicles were the realm of mechanical & automobile people, but with proliferation of computer technology & electronic components, vehicles are becoming “Computer on Wheels”. These technology lies in VANET (Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network) environment. VANET has various road safety applications, with the aim of communication interoperability between cars. In VANET, Sybil attack have been reckon as a major threat, by creating illusion or traffic congestion, it may lead mass destruction. Previously Event Based Reputation System (EBRS) named technique has been used to defend this Sybil attacks, but there was one major drawback that they were not considering RSU and TA modules security. For these both modules assumption has been made that it cannot be compromised thus it is trustable. But in this way VANET environment cannot be established thoroughly .In this paper we proposed enhance Event Based Reputation System to defend Sybil attacks in VANET environment, which is going to eliminate that major assumption by considering RSU and TAs security mechanisms.
Dutt, K. J., & Joshi, S. B. (2019). Defending Against Sybil Attacks by Enhanced Event Based Reputation System in Vanet. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 9(2), 4445–4450.
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