Human engineering is the application of mental health and physiological principles to the structure of products, procedures, and schemes. The aim of human engineering is to decrease human mistake, improve productivity level, and increase safety and well-being with a particular focus on the association between the human and the thing of intrigue. Practicing good ergonomics leads to increased productivity, improved health and safety of workers, higher job satisfaction and retention of employees. Sampling technique is probability, multistage sampling, sampling units garment companies, The multiple regression analysis was used to study the relationship between the factors influencing ergonomics, resilience, subjective and objective well-being. This study was conducted in India’s Textile hub of Garment industry: Tiruppur District, Tamilnadu state. The data was collected from 453 garment industry employees through a structured questionnaire. The finding of this study organisational ergonomics, resilience, subjective well-being and objective well-being has strongly depends on physical workplace environment and machines. Task, but doesn’t have an effect of psychosocial factor. Subjective well-being strongly depends on Task, Organisational ergonomics, Resilience. Objective well-being is depends on organisational ergonomics. Proper workplace environment and good condition machinery creates better comfortable and safe workplace which leads to employee well-being. Human engineering factors (Physical workplace environment, Machines, Task, and Psychosocial Factor) facilitated by organisational ergonomics leads to a better employee well-being.
Gomathi, K., & Rajini, G. (2019). Organizational ergonomics: Human engineering leading to employee well-being. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(10), 3744–3749.
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