In field of handwriting recognition, Robust algorithms for recognition and character segmentation are presented for multilingual Indian archive images of Devanagari and Latin scripts. These report basically suffer from their format organizations, low print and local skews quality and contain intermixed messages (machine-printed and manually written). In order to overcome these drawbacks, a character segmentation algorithm is proposed for kannada handwriting recognition. In this work, in initial steps we are obtained the segmentation paths by using the characters of structural property and also the graph distance theory whereas overlapped and connected character are separated. Finally, we are calculated results by using the SVM classifier. In proposed recognition of character, they are three new geometrical shapes based on new features such as center pixel of character is obtained by first and second feature and third feature is calculation purpose we are used in neighborhood information of text pixels. Benchmarking results represent that proposed algorithms have best work identified with other contemporary methodologies, where best recognition rates and segmentation are obtained.
G*, Ramesh., N, S. K., & H. N, C. (2020). OHKWR: Offline Handwritten Kannada Words Recognition using SVM Classifier with CNN. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(10), 458–466.
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