Industries call for green materials which will supervene upon the ancient materials through virtue of their high strength to weight ratio. Composite substances of herbal behavior satisfy the above desires with a aggregate of one or more materials. In this paper, the combination of herbal fibers mainly Abaca and Kenaf are taken as reinforcement and CFRP as matrix medium. Here the Composite is laminated using Compression Moulding Method. Impact and Hardness Tests has been done to determine the mechanical behavior of the composite laminate. It has been concluded that the Category II suggests better mechanical property when compared to the other two categories and observed Impact energy of 6 Joule and Hardness of 108 HRB respectively. Scanning Electron Microscope was done to observe the internal mechanical behaviour of the composite laminate. From SEM it is noted that minimum propagation of crack and voids present in the composite laminate. It has been observed that this hybrid composite laminate can be implemented wherever high impact energy demands.
Kumar*, R. S., Krishnaraj, S., & Ramnath, B. V. (2019). Impact and Hardness Characteristics of Cfrp-Kenaf-Abaca Fiber Composites. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(4), 3530–3533.
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