This study aimed to identify the factors that influence entrepreneurial career interests among SVS students in West Sumatra. Quantitative approach was employed in this study and survey research design was used. The findings revealed that the level of entrepreneurship knowledge and the level of career personality interest are at moderate level. In addition, there is no difference between the level of entrepreneurship knowledge and the level of career personality interestwiththe level of entrepreneurial career interest based on the students’ major and family background. However, the level of entrepreneurial career interest of SVS students is high. There are some implications arose based on the findings of this study. Firstly, the Indonesian government needs to emphasizethe entrepreneurship learning methods in educational institutions, especially SVS. The second implication is that collaboration between the Ministry of Education and the industry needs to be strengthened through education and training programs in order to enhance the knowledge, interests and readiness of students in entrepreneurship.
Yulastri, A., Buang, N. A., Ernawati, & Ganefri. (2019). The relationship between entrepreneurship knowledge, career personality interest and entrepreneurial career interest. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(7), 405–410.
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