The “Carta di Norcia 2003” contains directives to bring the rights for urban living in environments and protected areas. Achieve convergence between the environmental world and socio-cultural issues for a comprehensive and overall usability of the territory. The concept of accessibility destroys that of disability. Resulting adjustment approach of prevention and planning. Integration of planning, economic and social management of the territory instruments. project for an ecosystem inclusive and hospitable. Planning application according to Universal Design’s standards. Guidelines for participatory development of plans for access to environmental education. Introduction of the concept of limit, audacious concept for these times projected towards the infinite use of environmental resources. The use of resources must be conscious of the fact that natural resources are common goods to all and as such they must be accessible and usable for all without distinction.
Marucci, B. (2018). Carta di norcia 2003: Present situation and prospects. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 3, 1442–1446.
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