Organizational and Economic Fundamentals of Activity of Seed Enterprises of Ukraine

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The essence of prospects for increasing the export potential of cereal crops of Ukraine, which specialize in growing maize for grain, is revealed. Following these positions, a very important task is to study the problem of forming the export potential of cereal industry in order to improve Ukraine’s competitive position in the world grain market and developing a national policy on Ukraine’s participation in global food security. This led to the choice of the topic of the article and indicates its relevance. It can be argued that Ukraine’s production potential is significant. It is proved that stimulating the development of the export potential of the grain industry is possible on the basis of modern structural and transformational conversion in the agricultural sector in order to stabilize and increase the production of competitive products. It is substantiated that the domestic branch of selection and seed production is not experiencing the best of times: the efficiency of the state program of formation and implementation of seed policy is very low, and control in seed production due to constant reform of relevant bodies is extremely insufficient. As a result, there is illicit circulation in seeds of varieties of dubious origin, unrecognized varieties or low quality seeds. However, large international companies consider Ukraine as a center for the production of maize seeds and a country with significant export potential. Therefore, it is crucial to finalize agreements with the European Union on the recognition of Ukrainian certificates and the opening of the EU market for seeds produced in Ukraine. At the same time, growing seeds is first of all a business where the speed of reaction to consumer requests is important. Thus, the main task is to invent a «compromise» between high quality and competitive price. It is proved that due to the introduction of high-yielding hybrids of maize and the intensification of innovative activities in the technology of growing this crop in 2011 for the first time in Ukraine received a record gross harvest of its grain—more than 22 million tons. In particular, in 2013 this index was 30.9 million tons, in 2018 it was more than 35.8 million tons. Such data confirm the real possibilities of increasing the production of this important forage crop in the country. It is noted that in industrial practice in the cultivation of this crop, farmers face a significant number of problems, both agro-technological, organizational and economic nature. The dynamics of development of maize production is characterized by significant variation in sown areas, and as a consequence, in gross yield.




Buryak, R., Reznik, N., Zbarsky, V., Zbarska, A., Chernyavskyi, I., & Chupriak, A. (2022). Organizational and Economic Fundamentals of Activity of Seed Enterprises of Ukraine. In Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (Vol. 486, pp. 805–815). Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH.

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