Elements of medical image processing

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The advent of technology has taken us so far in our lives that we cannot imagine any field without technology or devices. Name any area today, for example, business, education, media and communication, aerospace, etc. There are no surprises that health care has become one of the most advanced prospectives for technologies and its application to be used. Currently we are in the era where medical professionals are using applications to speed up diagnosis, treatment, surgical procedures, recovery, etc., to provide better services to the public. One of the most interesting aspects is the medical image processing which has come a long way from requiring human intervention to current day scenario where application accurately predicts the cause and location of tumor or abnormalities from ultrasound, MRI, PET scan, CT scan, X-ray data, etc. Buzz is going on in the medical arena that in the near future technologies will replace some of the health-care professional jobs. Until then let us start by understanding the current state of affair between technology in biomedical image processing field and its applications.




Emami, T., Janney, S. S., & Chakravarty, S. (2019). Elements of medical image processing. In Biomedical Engineering and its Applications in Healthcare (pp. 473–517). Springer Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-3705-5_20

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