This manuscript proposes a comparative analysis of BLDC motor performance at various ratings. The BLDC motor may act as a replacement for conventional engines such as the Brushed DC motor, the induction motor, the switched reluctance motors, etc. Because of the BLDC motor's overweight merits, modeling is performed to improve system performance. The torque feature of BLDC motor plays an extremely significant aspect in the fabrication of the BLDC motor drive device, so it is crucial to approximation the exact torque value that is calculated by the simulation of the model proposed in MATLAB software. In the MATLAB / Simulink setting, different ratings of BLDC motor are simulated after the creation of the straightforward analytical model of the three-phase BLDC motor with counter electromotive force trapezoidal waveforms. Based on the review, a comparative examination of each valued engine outcome is displayed in the MATLAB environment's Graphical User Interface.
Variation of Speed and Torque Response of Closed-Loop Classical Controlled Different Rated BLDC Motor. (2020). International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(6), 230–235.
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