Reactive dynamic assignment for a bi-dimensional traffic flow model

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This paper develops a graph-theoretic framework for large scale bi-dimensional transport networks and provides new insight into the dynamic traffic assignment. Reactive dynamic assignment are deployed to handle the traffic contingencies, traffic uncertainties and traffic congestion. New shortest paths problem in large networks is defined and routes cost calculation is provided. Since mathematical modelling of traffic flow is a keystone in the theory of traffic flow management, and then in the traffic assignment, it is convenient to elaborate a good model of assignment for large scale networks relying on an appropriate model of flow related to very large networks. That is the zone-based optimization of traffic flow model on networks developed by [8], completed and improved by [9].




Sossoe, K. S., & Lebacque, J. P. (2017). Reactive dynamic assignment for a bi-dimensional traffic flow model. In Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (Vol. 539, pp. 179–188). Springer Verlag.

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