Concrete is the most essential construction materials in all over the world. It is necessary to search the cheaply obtain-able material as admixture which might be partially replaced cement in the production of concrete. This project is an experi-mental investigation of the neem leaves ash as partial replace-ment for cement also fly ash is used for partial replacement of cement. The neem leaves were dried, burnt and heated in the furnace to produce Neem leaves Ash, which was discovered to posses Pozzolanic properties.the ordinary Portland cement was replaced by neem ash by 5%,10%,15%,20% and 25% by weight also flash replaced by 15%,20%,25% and 30% the cubes were crushed to know the comparative strength of the concrete at dif-ferent curing days. The last result showed that workability and strength properties of the concrete was depended on water cement ratio, total days of curing, the percentage of replacement of Neem leaves ash for OPC . I. This project it was noticed that the result of 5% NLA and 15% fly ash and 10% NLA and 20% of fly ash were gradually increasing the strength at 28 days. Neem leaves play a vital role and behaviour of Neem leaves ash and flash used concrete will be studied.
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M.A, S. (2020). Partial Replacement of Cement by Neem Leaves Ash and Fly Ash. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 9(1), 506–508.