Fresh and hardened properties of hybrid fibre reinforced self consolidating concrete containing basalt and polypropylene fibres

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Evidences as well as outcomes proved that the progress of self-consolidating concrete is comprehensive benchmark in the construction area. Due to its highly beneficial characteristics, self-consolidating concrete is eminently preferred and widely used all around the Globe. Self-consolidating concrete is that inventive concrete which does not need any assistance of vibration by any means in order for its placement and compaction. Its ability to flow under its self-weight allows complete filling formwork. Hence, successful results to attain full compaction, even in the existence of clogged reinforcement. Intension of this research paper is to put light on the fresh properties of hybrid fibre reinforced self-consolidating concrete (HFRSCC)such as T50cm, L-box, spread flow, V-funnel and properties of hardened like compressive strength, flexural strength and ultra-sonic pulse velocity at the period of 7 and 28 days. The properties of hardened HFRSCC is greatly improved by the process of addition of fibres.

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Khan, U., Khan, R. A., Pandey, N. K., & Tyagi, A. (2019). Fresh and hardened properties of hybrid fibre reinforced self consolidating concrete containing basalt and polypropylene fibres. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(2), 3356–3361.

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Professor / Associate Prof. 1


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Engineering 2


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