This paper presents a robot based on IOT having capability to detect and fight against fire in our houses, industries as well as offices where accessibility of human is not possible. The new and non-obviousness in this device is the robot which is free to move in the region of fire either in our homes or our offices where human’s feasibility is not possible. This robot will fight against fire as well as harmful gases using Infrared sensor and gas sensor and when robot detects any fire or gas inside the building of any houses or offices it will fight with harmful gas using appropriate sensor and simultaneously sent the message to user by using SMS services or GPRS Packs. Robot is controlled by IOT server with the help of computers, laptop or mobile.
Das, S. R., Behera, S. K., & Mohanty, M. N. (2019). IOT based fire detection robot. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(11 Special Issue), 956–958.
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