This work illustrates the development of a new hybrid MPPT algorithm and the construction of an efficient charge controller based on this algorithm. The existing perturb & observe (P&O) methodology and incremental conductance (IC) method are unable to trace the global maximum power point (GMPP) once there's a frequent modification in solar irradiance. These algorithms stick to local maxima in such scenario so the controller efficiency drops. Here a new hybrid MPPT algorithm was designed to track the GMPP efficiently, which involves the concept of Savitzky Golay digital filter technique. This filter is employed to swish a collection of digital information points that additional will increase the S/N of the signal while not greatly distorting it. The substitute sub-sets of niggardly observations fact are passable about a low-degree polynomial by the come nigh of neat least squares by means of convolution. This algorithm first smoothens the output of photovoltaic using the described technique and removes the local maxima and then further applies the P&O method to find out the GMPP. The circuit was simulated using Proteus and later on, an experimental setup was built using Arduino UNO (ATMEGA328P) to run the algorithm in real-time environment. The controller successfully tracked the GMPP voltages for variable irradiance both in simulation and real-time environment.
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Debbarma, S., Debbarma, S., & Saha, S. (2019). A new algorithm based charge controller for global mppt of si solar cell. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(2), 2631–2637.