In the trendy research, CFD codes got developed and run with water-AlN nanofluid to predict the thermal concerns of fuel cell. The convective governing equalities of mass, force and drive are computed for predicting the thermal issues of fuel cell. The time step selected throughout the intact computation is 0.0001 s. The soundings affect CFD forecasts of temperature field, temperature contour plus fluid-solid boundary temperature of fuel cell. The fluid-solid boundary temperature of fuel cell is noticed as 320 K. This stands far less than the hazardous limit of 356 K temperature desired for the objective of beating thermal cataclysm of fuel cell. The temperature of water-AlN nanofluid stands peak contiguous to the fuel cell vicinity. Additionally, the temperature of water-AlN nanofluid gently drops with improvement in remoteness from fuel cell. Subsequently, this becomes surrounding temperature in the distant field zone. The corresponding tinted temperature contour stands accessible. In addition, the congruent plot of temperature against distance from fuel cell stays revealed. The development of CFD revelations stand together with the credentials of undertakings.
Kund, N. K. (2019). Numerical modeling on fuel cell cooling using water based aluminum nitride nanofluid. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(3), 1294–1297.
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