On the observation of hourly rainfall data in Java Island, for the modelling watershed purpose, it can be seen that short duration rainfall events are the most dominant. The percentage of short duration rainfall event is almost 70% of the observation data. By using the high resolution of hourly rainfall data with 5 minutes’ intervals, it can be easily to describe the rainfall distribution patterns that occur. This research observed high resolution of hourly rainfall data in hilly and mountainous at Mount Merapi area in Yogyakarta. It purposed to mitigation effort due to the rainfall events that often falls with short duration and high intensity.
Priambodo, S., Suhardjono, Limantara, L. M., & Suhartanto, E. (2019). Observation of short duration rainfall in Yogyakarta. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(11), 2741–2745. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijitee.K2230.0981119
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