The ultimate aim of introducing this paper is to control or prevent the crime against them. We propose a stun gun technology-based women safety dress with GPS. This method consists of a system that provides physical security in the case when the women are harassed or whether she is in trouble. In this paper, we proposed an ATMEGA controller and an android application in which both the device and mobile phone are synchronized using the ESP module. This paper will prove to be very useful in saving lives as well as preventing atrocities against women. This system uses a panic key, a boost converter and a GPS module which provides the location of a woman who is in trouble and the stun gun technology which will provide physical protection to the women. If the panic key is pressed, it turns on the system by sending an alert message to the woman’s relatives via android application. The kit is also be accessed by the parents or relatives via the IoT module. At the instance, whenever the panic key is pressed, it provides the high voltage shock pulse to a stranger via the boost converter.
Vasanth, S. (2019). Women Safety Dress using Stun Gun Technology. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(2), 2502–2505.
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