Risks are uncertainties that influence the project performance to greater extent. To ensure software quality and project success every organizations should enforce a proper mechanism to efficiently manage the risks irrespective of the process model they follow. Risk prioritization is a most critical step in risk management process that helps the organization to resolve the risks in shorter duration of time. This study focuses on prioritizing the risks involved in software development using Grey Wolf Optimization (GWO) algorithm. Further, the proposed Software Risk Prioritization (SRP-GWO) approach is compared with other prioritization techniques such as Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Delphi, Average Ranking and Categorizing scale and the results are evaluated based on five criterion attributes such as Simplicity, Adaptability, Running time, Accuracy and Consistency. The findings show that the proposed approach outperforms other existing techniques.
Prakash, B., & Viswanathan, V. (2019). Risk prioritization for software development using grey wolf optimization. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 7(6), 1457–1463.
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