Infecciones víricas del tracto respiratorio

ISSN: 11354542
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Viral infections of the respiratory tract are one of the most frequent illnesses in children, causing about 60-80% of school absences. In most cases, the clinical pictures are benign and self-limited, but in approximately 5% of the cases it involves the lower respiratory tract causing bronchitis, bronchiolitis and pneumonia, especially in individuals who are not immunocompetent. Although there are more than 200 viral species from seven different families that are related to respiratory infection, there are other less common etiological agents that are detected less frequently. Some of the most frequently detected are influenza, respiratory syncytial virus, rhinoviruses, human coronaviruses and bocaviruses, among others. Laboratory diagnostic methods are varied, from those of the direct type based on the detection of viral antigens, such as immunochromatographic tests, to PCR or Polymerase Chain Reaction tests; even those of an indirect type that seek to detect the host’s immune response to the virus, detecting the production of antibodies. Laboratory diagnosis is important for clinical, antiviral, and patient isolation management.




Muñoz, I. S., Luque, M. R. B., & Bouza, J. M. E. (2021). Infecciones víricas del tracto respiratorio. Pediatria Integral, 25(1), 13–20.

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