Research on the machine learning algorithms on heart condition predictions

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Now-a-days Health care monitoring widely uses Internet of Things (IoT) and big data which is further integrated into wearable bio sensors. This paper is about finding the best algorithm for predicting the heart condition using different machine learning algorithms. In this we have also included the basic Artificial Neural Networks algorithm for predicting the heart condition of an individual. In this work we had predicted the persons heat conditions by knowing some key attributes. By increasing the use of machine learning algorithms, the accuracy of each algorithm is calculated and the quality and value of the health services increases efficiency. This is mainly about how different the algorithms predict and the accuracy of each algorithm. Here the ANN has the height accuracy when compared to all other machine learning algorithms like, SVM-ploy, SVM-RBF, Naïve Bayes, Decision tree, Random Forest, K-Nearest Neighbor.




Geetha, M., Ganesan, R., & Sai, T. T. (2019). Research on the machine learning algorithms on heart condition predictions. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(6), 1377–1384.

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