The word “Smart City” has been invented by International Business Machines Corporation’s “Smart Planet” through an application from a new variety of information, with life more refined and dynamic. Smart City is the future of our country with transportation being one of the main features designed to make a city smart. In India, the automotive sector in India is one of the main contributors of the nation’s GDP, thus representing its importance. In this survey paper, we have discussed the actual meaning of a smart city and an important feature of a smart city, which is, smart transportation present in the city. We have discussed about various important smart features which are needed for the transportation sector. We have also compared those features of how they have been implemented in some International cities.
Karthikeyan, N. C., Ananthasamy, A., & Sundaresan, Y. B. (2019). Intelligent framework for public transport bus services system. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(2 Special Issue 4), 12–18.
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