-Education and training process employees at this time still use many fundamental methods that have some weaknesses, such as the education and training process can only be done with the condition of face-to-face meetings between participants and instructors in class, the costs incurred to organize are expensive, the amount of accommodation and transportation costs, lack of motivation to attend training, lack of control from the leadership of employee training activities and possible loss of modules and subject matter. This research aims to build E-Learning that can help leaders, staff, instructors, and participants in carrying out the education and training process more effectively and efficiently. Besides this website-based e-learning can also be used as a monitoring tool for leaders to control the activities and results of employee training. This research was conducted at PT. Pegadaian which is an Indonesian State-Owned Enterprise engaged in finance by interviewing employees and leaders related to education and training activities that have taken place so far. The E-Learning Control Based Website on Employee Education and Training is designed using the PHP programming language with the Laravel Framework and MySql Database. By using this system, the education and training process can be done anytime and anywhere, ease in accessing subject matter, comfort in discussing with instructors or with fellow participants as well as easy access for leaders to monitor and control training activities conducted by employees.
Saputra, R., Jalinus, N., & Krismadinata. (2019). E-learning control website based on employee education and training. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 8(6), 2707–2713. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijeat.F8770.088619
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