UWB and mmWave communication techniques and systems for healthcare

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Telemedicine has been around for decades, and some apparatuses are currently in operation in few hospitals. Relying on advanced wireless technologies, which enable the use of pervasive communications for a variety of different applications, new-generation systems for healthcare become non-invasive, broadband and mobile. High-data rate wireless systems allow users to share huge amounts of data and multimedia content with other users or with service providers. Consequently, the range of potential applications of healthcare assistance expands to include new scenarios that involve very high data rate wireless transmissions like, for instance, seamless exchange of multimedia content. In this chapter, a survey of new-generation wireless communication techniques and systems based on ultra-wideband technology and millimetre-waves radios is provided, with reference to the modern concepts of patient-centric and hospital-centric application scenarios. The opportunities offered by these two broadband wireless communications technologies beyond basic data transfer are highlighted and discussed in the framework of the new application scenarios that these technologies open.




Rendevski, N., & Cassioli, D. (2014). UWB and mmWave communication techniques and systems for healthcare. In Ultra-Wideband and 60 GHz Communications for Biomedical Applications (Vol. 9781461488965, pp. 1–22). Springer US. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4614-8896-5_1

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