Detection of Aflatoxin i n Food Products u sing UV Fluorescence Spectroscopy

  • et al.
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Aflatoxins are found in food items and are treated as essential to food security issue. Aflatoxins are poisonous toxins which are found in various feed products and are very dangerous for humans and animals as well. These are not the products which cause immediate liver cancer or the liver damage but instead grow slowly in the human body. They are also a type of fungal toxins can only be noticed in costly machines with the use of UV fluorescence spectroscopy. These are mostly found in peanuts,corn,maize and broken rice. Aflatoxins are never found in freshly released products, rather they are formed because of the moisture found in the atmosphere around.Aflatoxin-B1 when present in food products undergoes the process of fluorescent spectroscopy .Here the UV rays are excited to 365 nm for single photon and 730 nm for bi photon. Basically the results for the range of 400 and 550 nm is considered as the most contaminated of the food product. For every wavelength when photons are excited ,the inward florescent signals are to be noted and observed. Based on the wavelengths of the excitation signal we can distinguish between the hygienic and impure food samples .There would be largest difference of wavelength between single and bi photon fluorescence values. The similarity between the florescent signals of the samples of different food products would define the impure samples. Thus UV fluoroscence spectroscopy is very essential for measuring the aflatoxin B1 present in various food products.




Chandraleka, T. … Heema, C. (2020). Detection of Aflatoxin i n Food Products u sing UV Fluorescence Spectroscopy. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(5), 1068–1071.

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