Academic publication has been one of the main requirements in academic research and university ranking to seek research funding and scholarship. Mostly, the publication is published as academic journal article, book or thesis in offline and online distribution. There are variety of tools and services available today to understand academic publication data. However, existing tools is still very limited in the terms of specific institute and academics. In this study, we propose a practical tool, UTeMAIR which retrieve publication information for academic staff of specific institute from online publication repositories sites such as Google Scholar and Scopus. Specifically, UTeMAIR consists of three main components namely, crawling engine, statistical analysis and keywords analysis. The objectives of this system to retrieve and store publication record of academic staff, to continuously update the collected information and to analyze publication data for all academic staff. With the availability of an effective retrieval and analysis tool for publication data, the university can monitor scholarly information in a better way and plan towards increasing the publication index among academics and ultimately improve university visibility.
Saaya*, Z., Kumar, Y. J., & Hee, L. B. (2019). Collecting and Analyzing Academic Publication with UTeMAIR. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(4), 2357–2363.
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