Light weight concrete (LWC) Playing a primary position in lowering the useless weight of the shape as properly as it meets the goals of load-bearing man or woman in some cases. LWC manufacture distinct in keeping with the use and availability of materials offers the freeness in concrete design blend. LWC advanced person including sound insulation, thermal resistivity and power lead for more use of the product. This paper deals LWC research at the partition panels with interlocking gadget to boom shear and flexural conduct compared to normal gypsum board partitions. The LWC gives more desirable energy at 0,050% in every of the aluminum and gypsum addition as compared to zero.0.5% in the cement substitute.
Mechanical Behaviour of Light Weight Concrete Panels. (2019). International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(12S2), 305–308.
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