Agriculture is the backbone of our country that contributes to 45% of the total GDP that is responsible for the enhancement of country’s economy. The project aims at building an integrated module for improving the efficiency of the present agricultural modules. The proposed module consists of a series of array of sensors such as ambient temperature, moisture, air quality and the pH sensor to measure the pH of the soil and environmental condition. All this data are sampled at regular interval of time, formatted and send to the cloud for backend works such as comparing it with the stored data and predicting the type of crop that can be grown in the particular land and these data will be saved in the cloud so that during disaster time, it will be helpful for the government and insurance agents for speedy approval of insurance claim. The developed model would considerably reduce the need for experts to visit the place and to perform manual testing during the disaster.
Shanmugasundaram, S., Mathankumar, M., & Thirumoorthi, P. (2018). Development of next generation IOT based agricultural model with integrated land testing equipment. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(2), 359–362.
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