Medical Ultrasound images are generally corrupted by Speckle noise. It deteriorates the quality of ultrasound imaging and video that makes it difficult to observe visually. Because of which resolution and contrast of the image is reduced. Despeckling of medical US images is an important process for diagnostic of disease. In this paper effect of various existing despeckling filter on ultrasound images has been studied. All the filters have been implemented in a framework and result are observed in the form of various parameters such as GAE, MSE, SNR, SRMSE, PSNR, UIQI, SSIM, AD, SC, MD. The results obtained have been used for statistically comparing the performance of the filters. It is also analyzed that which type of filters are more suited for particular type of images, noise and other conditions. This will also provide guidelines for the researchers for designing of new filters in future.
Bhardwaj, A., Kaur, S., Shukla, A. P., & Shukla, M. K. (2019). Effects of various de-speckling filters on brachial plexus ultrasound imaging. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(2), 5058–5065.
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