Energy efficient algorithm for high speed packet data transfer on smartphone environment

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Energy efficiency is the main concern of the 21st century. The smartphone could be a trendy battery operated device and also the experience of the smartphone usage is entirely counting on the battery life. The state of the Smartphone can be Screen_OFF and Screen_ON. Majority of the time spent by the user on the phone is in screen off mode however 30% to 40% of the battery power consumption in this state through Always_On Apps. These apps send tiny burst to their server for various functions at a specific interval of time and keep RRC state busy. This paper proposes an energy-efficient algorithm for high-speed packet data transfer on a Smartphone called PSEO (PS Energy Optimization). It schedules data communication throughout the screen off state based on the radio signal quality. PSEO regulate Data_ON and Data_OFF period while not affecting the user convenience based on the independent value of RSRQ. The proposed research saves the energy up to 28.88%, 78.60% and 16.20% on average of total network energy, Screen_Off energy, and overall smartphone energy respectively.




Pandikumar, S., & Sumathi, M. (2019). Energy efficient algorithm for high speed packet data transfer on smartphone environment. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 8(6), 2644–2658.

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