A seal manufacture factory located in Ipoh, Perak produces two types of seal available in the factory which are metal and plastic seals. Due to manual assembly, human operator tends to get fatigue for doing repetitive task in one long shift. When this occurs, minor error such as misplace or wrong orientation of jaw will occur. Moreover the jaw sometimes can be missing during transportation of work – in – progress to another process. The objective is to design a jig that have the ability to detect reverse and missing jaw so that the finish product which has the quality problem will be prevented from being shipped to customers. The jig must also have a flexibility to be used for other plastic seal product. For methodology, each and every stage was explained in detail. In result and discussion section, House of Quality (HOQ) was used to determine the highest criteria weightage. The important criteria which will be carried forward to Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) are 15.9% on flexibility and ease of maintenance, 15.4% on both ease of use and longevity of jig usage, lastly 15.2% for accuracy checking. The result obtain after AHP computation are Design 1 with 20.7%, Design 2 with 13.7%, Design 3 with 22%, Design 4 with 27.1% and Design 5 with 16.5%. Design 4 is selected due to the highest weightage after computation. Final selected design was justified according to characteristic needed in objective.
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Mohamed Noor, A. Z., Jafar, F. A., … Sulaiman, S. (2019). Design of Reverse and Missing Jaw Detector Jig using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(2), 2229–2237. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijrte.b2436.078219