Voting is vital part of democratic country as it allows citizen to choose their own government. Government plays important role in progress of each country. Result of election is good if most of the people votes. In today's digital world, it is necessary to have secure online voting system at place which will save voter's time and motivate citizen to vote. Secure authentication is the main issue in online voting system. The authentication module should allow authentic voter to cast their vote. Even though secure authentication is provided, someone having access to authentication database may use it to get authentic entry into the system. Research in this paper shows new and secure authentication module which provides confidentiality to authentication database so that no one can use the authentication database to pass through the system. We have achieved this using PIN based image secret sharing.
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Kharat, R., & Sanyasi Naidu, P. (2019). Securing authentication database of online voting system using pin based lossless image secret sharing scheme. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(2), 5947–5953.