Vehicles to vehicle communication in intersection using li-fi and rf technology

ISSN: 22773878
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As a society, we should not accept that 2,222 die on our roads every day due to a road accident. This paper divulges the design of Wireless communication technology in vehicles where the vehicle will communicates among themselves for creating a safer and smarter driving experience. This system helps to control road accident and time waste due to traffic especially at the four-way intersection points. Light Fidelity (Li-Fi) technology, Radio Frequency communication and Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) are collaboratively used to develop a new algorithm Vehicle-to-Vehicle in intersection (VVI) to facilitates time-critical information to be disseminated to all the adjacent vehicles. The vehicles will share their parameters with nearby vehicle such as speed, the distance between each other, latitude and longitude of a vehicle from the centre point of the intersection, the direction of movement of the vehicle with nearby vehicles in intersection and the time duration to reach the intersection point. With these parameters, the driver can aware of the vehicles around him and helps him to control the vehicle to avoid accident. Basically, this involves a dedicated short-range communication for controlling the traffic without a traffic signal and accident avoidance to prevent the accident occurrence. At the 4-way intersection point, the vehicles will communicate among themselves and give way based on Master-Slave configuration to give way for the vehicle based on priority. Providing a way for emergency vehicles like ambulance, fire engine, etc., will be done with the highest priority. Consequently, the accident rate and time waste in traffic signals will get reduced. This idea primarily concentrates on controlling the traffic without a traffic signals, accident avoidance and time-saving in traffic.




Ganesh, S. S., & Brindha, V. E. (2019). Vehicles to vehicle communication in intersection using li-fi and rf technology. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 7(6), 544–548.

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