Development of a Priority based System for Emergency Vehicles to Reduce Accidents in VANETs

  • et al.
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Due to tremendous increase of vehicles in number leads to excessive congestion of vehicles at intersection of roads. It causing inconvenience to emergency vehicles like Ambulance and Fire brigade etc, ultimately which is the cost of human life To avoid this, Emergency Vehicles will have to give high priority to overcome from the congestion. Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANETs) is a network which is used to create a temporary communication among the vehicles. In this paper, priority based vehicle movement system is proposed to give high priority to emergency vehicles and establishing communication among the vehicles through VANET. Due to this high priority, there is no necessity to wait for the emergency vehicles at the traffic signals to get the green signal while communicating with traffic controller. In this paper, SUMO simulator is used for experimental analysis. The result indicates that the proposed methodology reduces the waiting time when compared to the existing system.

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Raju, Dr. K. N. … Prasanna, Mrs. T. M. L. (2020). Development of a Priority based System for Emergency Vehicles to Reduce Accidents in VANETs. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 9(2), 483–486.

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Professor / Associate Prof. 1


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Engineering 1


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