One of the driving forces behind the industrial revolution was the invention-more than a century ago-of the electric motor. Its widespread use for all kinds of mechanical motion has made life simpler and has ultimately aided the advancement of humankind. And the advent of the inverter that facilitated speed and torque control of AC motors has propelled the use of electric motors to new realms that were inconceivable just a mere 30 years ago. Advances in power semiconductors-along with digital controls-have enabled realization of motor drives that are robust and can control position and speed to a high degree of precision. he use of AC motor drives has also resulted in energy savings and improved system efficiency. This paper reviews the development and application of inverter technology to AC motor drives and presents a vision for motor drive technology. The development of more efficient, more powerful electric motor drives to power the demands of the future is important for achieving energy savings, environmentally harmonious drives that do not pollute the electrical power system, and improving productivity. Yukawa wants to be an integral part of this future and hopes to contribute significantly to achieve this.
Aspalli, M. S. (2014). Speed Control of Three Phase Induction Motor by VVVF method using G7/A-1000 Drive. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (pp. 2277–3878).
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