Gestational diabetes can lead to severe risks for both mother and fetus when it is not managed properly. The incidence of gestational diabetes is increasing, with increased obesity in the pregnant population, lifestyle changes and migration thought to be the underlying causes. Diagnosing and treating gestational diabetes early can reduce perinatal complications. Nutritional management is the cornerstone of treatment and exercise, insulin, glyburide and metformin can be used to intensify treatment. Fetal measurements and Doppler sonography complement maternal glucose monitoring in the identification of pregnancies that require such intensification. Antenatal management involves service organization to provide multi-disciplinary team reviews to address glycemic control, fetal monitoring and associated conditions such as obesity and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy.
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Kainer, F. (2012). Diabetologisches und geburtshilfliches management des gestationsdiabetes. Diabetologe, 8(8), 639–646.