Fog computing is most widely used in many applications. This is the most advanced computing of the various services in the cloud. Fog is considered as another layer that is a distributed network and is similarly having an association with cloud computing and the internet of things (IoT). Health care is the one of the dominating domain in present world. The healthcare with IoT has some of the drawbacks such as limited storage, computing and accessing. To improve the performance the task scheduling algorithm is implemented. To overcome this, in this paper, the novel healthcare system with fog computing and WSN is implemented. Results show the performance of the proposed system.
Kommineni, V. R. R., Kolluru, P. K., & Shaik, R. B. (2019). Improved health care system in fog computing and WSN. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(1), 4269–4271.
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