Mouse bone marrow produces many "null" lymphocytes which lack B and T lineage markers (B220-Thyl-). A subset of these cells expresses the natural killer (NK) cell marker, NK1.1. In addition, some rapidly renewed bone marrow lymphocytes express low intensities of Thy1 (Thy1lo). In view of their possible implication in tumor-host interactions these various cell populations have now been examined in mice injected with either the nonmetastatic Ehrlich ascites (EA) tumor or the Lewis lung carcinoma (LLc), a highly metastatic solid tumor. In each case, the number of null lymphocytes, as defined by a lack of radioautographic labeling of either B220 glycoprotein or Thyl, increased markedly in both the bone marrow and spleen. Treatment with the prostaglandin inhibitor, indomethacin, enhanced the increase in null cells in the bone marrow and spleen of LLc-bearing mice. The number of null small lymphocytes expressing NK1.1, as detected by combined radioautographic and immunoperoxidase techniques, increased almost 30-fold in LLc-bearing mice. The number of Thy1lo small lymphocytes increased in parallel with null cells during EA tumor growth. The findings accord with the hypothesis that the null lymphocyte population produced in mouse bone marrow includes newly formed NK lineage cells which sequentially express NK1.1 and Thy1lo. The present work demonstrates that the populations of null, NK.1.1+, and Thy1lo lymphocytes in mouse bone marrow expand rapidly during the early growth of transplanted tumors, the initial increase in null lymphocytes apparently being curtailed by prostaglandin production. The results suggest that the production of null lymphocytes in mouse bone marrow is responsive to tumor development, possibly providing cells to be involved in tumor-host interactions. © 1992.
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Rahal, M. D., Reinish, E., & Osmond, D. G. (1992). Changes in the populations of null, NK1.1+, and Thy1lo lymphocytes in the bone marrow of tumor-bearing mice: Effect of indomethacin treatment. Cellular Immunology, 139(1), 218–228.