Mobile Cloud computing is define as the new paradigm, and in this new paradigm computational power is on demand service and accessible through mobiles and tablets. When user decides to go towards cloud computing, there is a risk of losing control on his own data. So providing security of the data during transmission and when saved on the cloud storage is a major issue. Any application relying upon an emerging technology should consider the different possible threats. The principal reason why people are afraid of using Cloud technology is that data security and integrity among all other issues involved in Cloud technology constitute a great challenge. As data security issues, access control as well as key management are also a reason why Cloud technology is not widely adopted. In mobile cloud computing, the security related to data involving data integrity, confidentiality, availability and traceability is the most critical concern of cloud users. As now mobile cloud is changing how users used to work over the network, by helping them in terms of cost and reduction of tasks complexity. Hence, it is very important for the user to be ensured that the transmission of the data is secure, that the consistency as well as the storage of the data on the cloud provider side is secured. Hence the necessity for developing trust security model is demanding.
Kpelou, M., & Kishore, K. (2019). Lightweight security framework for data outsourcing and storage in mobile cloud computing. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(2), 3405–3412.
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