Blockchain technology-A technology for future sustainable development

ISSN: 22773878
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A block chain is a public ledger of data collected within a network that sits on top of the internet. It is how this data is recorded that gives block chain its ground22breaking potential. The BC-Block chain skill is usually associated with Bit-coin and other crypto-Currencies, but that is just the angle of the iceberg. Some citizens think block-chain might end up modifying a number of significant applications, from health-care to government. Block-chain technology is an apparently simple invention that has immense applications reaching across global business and human civilization. There may be a future where consumers benefit from the features of a block chain without even considering it, much like how every corner of daily life now has been integrated by internet. This study represents what is blockchain technology, how does BC works, Advantages and disadvantages and Implementation of BC using Java.




Ramanathaiah, R. M. (2019). Blockchain technology-A technology for future sustainable development. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(1), 547–554.

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