Bamboo is an evergreen plant native to Asia and America that grows at every altitude, even in unideal climate conditions. Betung bamboo or its scientific name Dendrocalamus Asper is one of the bamboo species that are easily found in peninsular Malaysia. This study examined the characteristics of Betung bamboo and its potential to manufacture chipboard. Several tests were conducted, namely modulus of elastic (MOE), modulus of rupture (MOR), thickness swelling (TS), and water absorption (WA) to evaluate the potential of Betung bamboo as the primary material in the manufacture of chipboard mixed with polyethylene as additive are the parameters considered. This study found that the composition of 70% bamboo and 30% polyethylene was produced optimum chipboard which met BS EN standards (British and European Standard). It was also found that the MOE and MOR values of the resulting chipboard exceeded the medium density board standards. For WA and TS values, the chipboard achieved the standard requirements. Thus, this study concludes that chipboard made of Betung bamboo with the addition of polyethylene is suitable to be applied for internal and external doors, and internal paneling for any commercial or domestic building and furniture.
Salim, S. … Salman, M. N. (2021). Study of Homogeneous Chipboard Manufacturing u sing Betung Bamboo (Dendrocalamus Asper) Mixed with Polyethylene Addictive. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 11(2), 68–71.
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