Pattern recognition is one of the current and advanced technologies that focus on analysis and construction of pattern is a complex work. For recognition of patterns Vector logic gives good strategies. This paper focuses on pattern recognition in multimodal authentication system by using vector logic. A framework has been proposed to provide more security in biometric aspect. Initially, features are extracted through PCA from the normalized biometric imaginaries, and then using LU factorization key components are extracted. By using convolution kernel methods such as Khatri Rao an application of Kronecker product weights are computed for different key sizes. In the same way verification process is implemented and verified with MSE. This framework gives better result for chosen threshold value.
Suresh, Y. (2019). Feature extraction and analysis in multimodal biometric authentication using Lu factorization with Kronecker algebra. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(11), 3837–3839.
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