Road ways are the life line of any economy, for a country like India where economy isgrowing rapidly it is putting its toll on every sector for meeting the needs of the growing economy. Good’s and personal transport are becoming vital with time and money aspects and the roads and vehicles on the roads are expected to perform optimally drastically increasing the speed on the road network and constantly increasing and modifying the infrastructure needed to meet the demands. As the speed of the vehicle increases the accident rate and the damage caused by the collision will also increase. Safety of the road network is not to be compromised and proper systems to ensure the safe passage of the vehicle and proper warning systems are to be implemented. This system should be viable in all the condition and should be cost-effective. In this paper we are implementing a vision based system to identify the lane and other vehicles from the video it captures from a properly calibrated camera mounted on the front side of the vehicle. The system is designed to automatically and continuously detect the lines exploiting the new processing techniques and warning the driver if any other is in the breaking distance of the vehicle or if the vehicle is moving out of the lane. Cost effectiveness of the system is a major aspect as many of the available systems use equipment which very good at performing their task but are not affordable. Effort is put in making the system cost effective and not compromising with the reaction time and accuracy..
Veerendra, Dr. CH., & Reddy, K. B. R. P. (2019). Lane Detection and Lane Change Warning as Advanced Driver Assistance Systems using Computer Vision. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 9(2), 5540–5543.
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