Mental Health Quantifier

  • Gupta D
  • Markale A
  • Kulkarni R
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The definition of mental disorders describes them as “health conditions involving changes in emotion, thinking or behavior or a combination of these”. Contemporary societies of 2020 still fall short in recognizing some of the most common afflictions as actual problems in people. Some of those are depression, anxiety and stress disorders. This paper proposes a Machine Learning based approach wherein the analysis of the multiple-choice inputs along with a neatly curated questionnaire based on feature extraction will be done and then supervised classification algorithms will be used to generate a mental health score as well as a detailed report based on responses the user gives.




Gupta, D., Markale, A., & Kulkarni, R. (2021). Mental Health Quantifier. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 10(5), 187–190.

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