The key issue in waste management system to ensure healthy environment is Garbage Collection and Dumping In traditional method, at public places garbage bins are placed to collect the garbage, which is usually collected by the garbage collection truck with the help of employed personnel and will be sent to the dumping yard to dump the collected garbage. These bins overflowed frequently before the routine maintenance takes place, which leads to bad order and unhygienic environment causing various life-costing diseases. As this problem is increasing day-by-day, an automated system for effective waste management system is desired which can collect garbage timely without human involvement is proposed and is implemented using NI myRIO, Arduino UNO and NI LabVIEW software. The proposed system consists of two main sub systems- Big Bin and small bin. Big bin moves in a regular predefined path marked as black line in regular time intervals to collect garbage from Small Bins placed in different locations. The proposed system is capable to automate the entire garbage collection and dumping process to ensure healthy environment.
Srilatha, M., Nagajyothi, D., & Jyothi, V. (2019). Smart Garbage Collection and Dumping System using NI myRIO and Arduino. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 9(2), 2934–2939.
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