Meta-conformal invariance is a novel class of dynamical symmetries, with dynamical exponent z = 1, and distinct from the standard ortho-conformal invariance. The meta-conformal Ward identities can be directly read off from the Lie algebra generators, but this procedure implicitly assumes that the co-variant correlators should depend holomorphically on time- and space coordinates. Furthermore, this assumption implies un-physical singularities in the co-variant correlators. A careful reformulation of the global meta-conformal Ward identities in a dualised space, combined with a regularity postulate, leads to bounded and regular expressions for the co-variant two-point functions, both in d = 1 and d = 2 spatial dimensions.
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Henkel, M., Kuczynski, M. D., & Stoimenov, S. (2020). Boundedness of meta-conformal two-point functions in one and two spatial dimensions. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 53(47).