In today’s world, unimaginable bytes of data is being generated every second around the globe. A lot of this data is private and confidential to individuals or organizations, and they do not wish for others to access this data. They might keep the data safe in portable drives, but as soon as the data gets connected to a network or is being transferred through a network, it becomes highly vulnerable to threats of it being stolen by hackers, as network has the biggest loopholes as compared to rest when it comes to security. The data is also vulnerable to being physically stolen. Depending on the delicacy of data, it could be highly misused for all you know it could be the nuclear launch codes. Here we propose a method to not only encrypt the data for protection, but to take it to a different level. Whilst data encryption algorithms auto-generate secret keys that are used to encrypt the data, we propose in our method to use hand gestures to generate to generate the key, each key being unique to a certain set and sequence of hand gestures, to be used as encryption key in encryption algorithm. Hence we are using Blowfish algorithm for data encryption and Open CV for gesture recognition. Blowfish being a symmetric key algorithm, the same set of gestures that were used to encrypt the data would be used to decrypt it.
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Mohale, N., Gupta, S., Goyal, S., & Goel, R. (2018). iG protection (Data encryption using gestures). International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 7(2), 13–16.