This paper studies that graphene is one of the best option for sustainable future energy requirements of world. Utilizing the blend of natural and inorganic cells makes graphene cell having uncommon highlights which encourages us to get super properties. The transparent and conductive films based on grapheme were shown to be financially savvy with high thermal and electrical conductivity. Graphene is comprised of a solitary layer of carbon atoms that are fortified together in a rehashing example of hexagonsIt is a 2 dimensional material with astounding qualities like amazingly solid and primarily transparent and furthermore incredibly conductive and adaptable. Graphene is made of carbon, which is bounteous, and can be a generally economical material.. Graphene has an apparently unending potential for improving existing items just as rousing new ones. In this article, need of graphene material, advantage over PV material, structure, properties and utilizations of graphene are reviewed.
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Gouda, P. K., Ramesh, P., Kodandapani, D., Hari, M., & Wable, T. S. (2019). Graphene as solar PV material. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(2), 53–57.