DC Motor is an essential element for many applications in the field of automation, robotics, and many others. They are important for many engineers to understand its behaviours and characteristics. However, controlling any system is still a challenge because of their abnormal behavior. In this paper, we are applying techniques to understand the behavior of servo system. Several groups of researchers conducted experiments based on a standard first-order model of a DC Motor using first principles modeling to derive the parameters. However, not much highlighting is identified on how well these models match up the actual data. In this paper, a deeper understanding has been taken place to gain some familiarity in testing and measurements by exploring a special arrangement in a laboratory called Quanser QUBE-Servo. In addition to this, signals monitoring on the live-mode has the advantage of gaining conceptual knowledge in the experimental test, analysis, and verification of the system. On the other hand, solving differential equations numerically using powerful software such as LabVIEW which endorses the comprehension of the system operation. In general, this report discusses a simple technique to study the DC motor transient response, read the angular position of the encoder by interface data acquisition device used with LabVIEW software.
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Jandal, M. J. A., Rasheed, K. S. A., & Jamal, M. R. A. A. (2021). Experimental V alidating DC Motor Model s and I dentify Transfer Function. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 10(4), 46–55. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijrte.d6533.1110421