Computer-aided diagnosis system plays an important role in diagnosis and detection of breast cancer. In computer-aided diagnosis, feature extraction is one of the important steps. In this paper, we have proposed a method based on curvelet transform to classify mammogram images as normal-abnormal, benign and malignant. The feature vector is computed from the approximation coefficients. Directional energy is also calculated for all sub-bands. To select the efficient feature we used t-test and f-test methods. The selected feature is applied to Artificial Neural Network (ANN) classifier for classification. The effectiveness of the proposed method has been tested on MIAS database. The performance measures are computed with respect to normal vs. abnormal and benign vs. malignant for using approximation subband and energy feature of all curvelet coefficients. The highest classification accuracy of 95.34% is achieved for normal vs. abnormal and 80.86% is achieved for benign vs malignant class using energy feature of all curvelet coefficients.
Biswas, R., Roy, S., & Biswas, A. (2019). Mammogram classification using curvelet coefficients and gray level co-occurrence matrix for detection of breast cancer. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(12), 4819–4824.
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